Adult Religious Education in the local congregation offers unique opportunities for people to come together in programs designed [to help adults learn and grow religiously]. The coming together itself is of importance in building the religious community.
"To teach," says Parker Palmer in To Know As We Are Known: Education As a Spiritual Journey, "is to create a space in which the community of truth is practiced"...This community is "a rich and complex network of relationships in which we must both speak and listen, make claims on others, and make ourselves accountable."
And so may it be...
These are words of wisdom from longtime Professional Religious Educator, Betty Jo Middleton in her guide, First Steps: Planning for Adult Religious Education.
As we begin to take steps towards creating programs and opportunities for adults at all stages of life in our community, the very first step is in learning from the congregation more about what is wanted and needed. What topics interest you? What are you eager to learn about? What do you have to teach ot
hers? Who would you like to learn from? When is a good time to make space for Religious Education in your life?

Answering these questions and more is a cinch in our globally networked society! To lend your voice to the discussion, you can take our Religious Education survey by clicking here. For a few minutes of your time, you can influence our programming for the better for months and years to come. If you have questions or to share additional information, please don't hesitate to contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education, Becky Brooks here.
Keep tabs on this blog for other opportunities to be involved in Religious Education at First Unitarian, as a teacher, a student, a planner or all three!