As we all begin to poke our heads out from under the snows of February and look ahead, the wonderful news is that
March is as action packed as ever, with exciting programs and events for people of all ages!
Our premiere event in March is, as always, our
Mystery Buddies program. Mystery Buddies matches individual adults or youth with children in the congregation. Each Sunday in March the pairs exchange clues about their identities. The final Sunday in March (Mar. 28), all participants join together for a potluck breakfast where identities are revealed. Clue exchange begins March 7. To sign up, simply download and complete the form
here or pick one up during coffee hour after church on Sunday.
This year is a very special one at First Unitarian as we welcome Rev. David Carl Olson as our minister. The first weekend in March is a celebration of our new partnership and includes several events, as follows:
Sat., Mar. 6
10:00 am — Tamale Making for all ages featuring Chef Luis Alonso Guzman of El Salvador
7:00 pm — Concert and Community Celebration, featuring the rap duo The Foundation, the New Wave Singers and Opera, Gospel and Jazz singer Pia Broden-Williams, as well as other surprise guests. For tickets ($15 each) contact the
church office at 410-685-2330.
Sun., Mar. 7
11:00 am — Worship featuring guest preacher Rev. Alma Faith Crawford. (Regularly scheduled Religious Education classes for children)
4:00 pm — Service of Installation with Rev. Patrick O'Neill, guests representing the larger Unitarian Universalist community and Baltimore city, as well as members and friends of our own congregation
Children and youth are welcome at any of these events, and childcare will be provided as well.
There will be three Lifespan Religious Education special events in March as well:
• "
Bibleodeon" is a one-time multi-generational workshop introduction to the Bible for UUs, Saturday, Mar. 13 from 9 am to noon. Adults, teens and children ages 8 and up are welcome to participate. A flyer with more information is available
• "Exploring Our Truth through Books" is the kick-off event for an ongoing small group ministry that facilitates exploration of different spiritual and theological books selected by participants. The first title will be F. Forrest Church's
The Cathedral of the World: A Universalist Theology and the group will discuss it over a potluck dinner from 4pm to 7:30 pm on Saturday, March 20.
To register for any of these RE Events and Classes, you can complete the online form
here or download and print a registration form
Download a calendar of these and other events and programs in March
here. If you have questions about any of these programs and events, please don't hesitate to contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education,
Becky Brooks.