Let your opinion be heard!
Sunday, Sept. 28, after church (12:45 to 2:15 pm) the Ministerial Search Committee will be holding a cottage meeting focused on RE families. Come share your thoughts on the state of the congregation today, where you'd like us to go in the coming years, and what type of minster(s) you would like to see us call as we enter the next phase of our historic ministry in the city of Baltimore. Listen to your fellow and sister congregants as they express their own desires and concerns for the future of First Unitarian Church, and gain a deeper understanding of what links and sustains us. Please email the search committee (search@firstunitarian.net) or Becky (redirector@firstunitarian.net) to let us know to expect you and whether or not you'll be needing child care. If you have some input you'd like to share but cannot attend this cottage meeting, you can feel free to attend a later meeting or to contact the search committee directly via the email address above or mail addressed to the church, att: Search Committee. We look forward to hearing from you!
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