Sunday, September 28, 2008

Youth Group Saves the World!

Our new combined youth group this year is working with a role playing game created and led by Andre Mendes. As members of the First Unitarian Temporal Unification and Restoration Explorers, each week the youth receive a "time capsule" with a situation from the future and use the skills of their created characters to solve the ethical dilemma of the situation. The youth were very tolerant of my interruptions today to take pictures of the festivities!

Next Sunday after church (Oct. 5) we are kicking off a new endeavor: the Youth Adult Committee of the First Unitarian Church of Baltimore.  All youth and select adults are welcome to participate in this group.  Using as our guide, the continental YRUU's Six Components of a Balanced Youth Program, this group will provide leadership in guiding the youth group's programming, including special activities of their choosing.  As we go forward, it will be crucial to have the input of as many of the youth as possible.  Your support and encouragement of your youth's participation is much appreciated!  The YAC will meet after church the first Sunday of each month.  If you are willing to help provide lunch for one our meetings, please contact Becky.

Here's to an excellent, fun and inspiring revitalized youth group!

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