In the past few weeks, several folks have inquired about resources for diving more deeply into Unitarian Universalism. Here are just a few resources to get you started:
• Voices of A Liberal Faith DVD (order free online here: http://www.uua.org/visitors/dvd/index.shtml or watch online here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wezp1W2HKlU)
• UU World (http://www.uuworld.org/) Church members should automatically receive this official Unitarian Universalist magazine. If you haven't received it in the mail, check with the church office (via email) about getting your subscription. For an eco-friendly version, just visit their website, with an archive of past articles.
• Unitarian Universalist Association (http://www.uua.org) There are a lot of great resources available here, including several sermons on "UU perspectives" of various issues here: http://www.uua.org/visitors/uuperspectives/index.shtml and a brief history section here: http://www.uua.org/visitors/ourhistory/index.shtml, including a slideshow of historical UU leaders. There is also a brief section on the symbol of our faith, the chalice, here: http://www.uua.org/visitors/6901.shtml
• UU & Me (http://clf.uua.org/uume/0309/index.html) UU & Me is a kids magazine included in issues of the UU World. Sometimes I find information and ideas in publications for kids that some of the publications for adults never get around to articulating. This can be a neat resource.
• Quest (http://clf.uua.org/quest/about.html) The Church of the Larger Fellowship is an online community for UUs who may not have a local UU church to go to. Their magazine, "Quest" is a great repository of sermons, articles and other short pieces written for UUs. You can read or listen to article at their website.
• Podcasts -- there is a great wealth of UU podcasts out there now. If you have iTunes, you can simply search of "Unitarian Universalist" and find a treasure trove. I recommend starting with the UUA's official podcast, which you can find here:http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=301421908
I hope you find these helpful!
• Unitarian Universalist Association (http://www.uua.org) There are a lot of great resources available here, including several sermons on "UU perspectives" of various issues here: http://www.uua.org/visitors/uuperspectives/index.shtml and a brief history section here: http://www.uua.org/visitors/ourhistory/index.shtml, including a slideshow of historical UU leaders. There is also a brief section on the symbol of our faith, the chalice, here: http://www.uua.org/visitors/6901.shtml
• UU & Me (http://clf.uua.org/uume/0309/index.html) UU & Me is a kids magazine included in issues of the UU World. Sometimes I find information and ideas in publications for kids that some of the publications for adults never get around to articulating. This can be a neat resource.
• Quest (http://clf.uua.org/quest/about.html) The Church of the Larger Fellowship is an online community for UUs who may not have a local UU church to go to. Their magazine, "Quest" is a great repository of sermons, articles and other short pieces written for UUs. You can read or listen to article at their website.
• Podcasts -- there is a great wealth of UU podcasts out there now. If you have iTunes, you can simply search of "Unitarian Universalist" and find a treasure trove. I recommend starting with the UUA's official podcast, which you can find here:http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=301421908
I hope you find these helpful!
In addition, the membership committee of First Unitarian holds a class called "Beginnings" that can help newcomers connect with Unitarian Universalism in general and our congregation specifically. The next Beginnings class will be in the Fall. Childcare is no problem! Just let them know you'll need it when you sign-up for the class.
**Note to Parents' class participants: stay tuned later this week for that promised post on resources for kids' theological questions...**
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