Here are some highlights for the month:
Sunday, Sept 6,
11:00 am — Worship
Rev. Olson's first Sunday in the pulpit will welcome us back to our usual fall schedule of worship in the sanctuary at 11:00 am. All ages are welcome. Childcare is available in the downstairs classrooms for children who do not wish to remain in worship. Following worship we will enjoy light refreshments as we welcome Rev. Olson to our community.
Sunday, Sept 13,
9:00 am — Family Meeting
Parents and children are invited to learn about our Children's Religious Education program for 2009-10. This will be an opportunity for the whole family to learn about classes, register for the program, take fall photos, make nametags and ask any questions you may have about RE. Childcare will be available for infants and toddlers, but all children are encouraged to attend.
9:30 am — Pancake Breakfast
The Board of Trustees invites the Whole Community to this annual welcome back breakfast in the Parish Hall.
11:00 am — Multi-Generational Worship (Homecoming/Water Communion Service)
To celebrate our annual Water Communion service, bring a bit of water representing your journeys this year, whether inward or outward, metaphorical or physical. Childcare is available, but all children are welcome to attend.
Saturday, Sept 19,
9:00 am — Religious Education Classroom Clean-Up
Work out your enthusiasm for the start of a new church year by coming to help clean up and organize the children's classrooms in time for the start of Religious Education classes next week. There will be tasks of all sorts for ages 8 and up. Clean up has never been this much fun! Bring the whole family!
Sunday, Sept 20,
11:00 am — Multi-Generational Worship (Community Installation of Rev. Olson)
When a new minister arrives, the whole community is asked to make and accept promises as we move into a covenantal relationship with Rev. David. Children, youth and adults will all be asked to participate. Childcare is available, but all children are encouraged to attend. A welcome reception will follow the worship service. There is sure to be cake!
Sunday, Sept 27,
11:00 am — Religious Education Classes Begin!
As has been our practice in recent years, the whole community will gather for worship together in the sanctuary for a Time for All Ages, after which children and youth will be sung to their classes. Our Nursery, Sprouts, Maiasaurs, Explorers and Youth Group will all meet. Parents, please pick up your children from their classrooms at 12:30. Youth will join social hour on their own when their group time ends.
Here's looking forward to another great year! Upcoming events and opportunities include our annual Halloween Party, the introduction of a multi-generational hand chimes choir, a children's Christmas Pageant, an All-Church Talent Show and much, much more! If you haven't already, be sure to subscribe to this Blog via email or RSS feed on the sidebar to the right.
See you in church!
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