Thursday, October 22, 2009

Building Your Own Theology Class, Week 3

The topic for Week 3 of Building Your Own Theology was Human Nature. Participants were asked to read a selection of quotations and choose up to three they agreed with and up to three they disagreed with.  After some brainstorming activities (like completing the sentence "Humans are _____" with one or two words) we spent some time working on composing a statement to answer "What do you believe about human nature?"

Next week's topic is Ultimate Reality: Creating An Honest God. We'll be completing a worksheet that follows a survey about personal beliefs among Unitarian Universalists and doing an art activity where we will draw or write about four different concepts of god we have held at different times in our lives. We'll also work to identify and clarify our own thoughts about god. What are ten words you might use to describe your idea of the source of life?

Next weeks readings can be downloaded here.

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