Sunday, May 9, 2010

Spirituality Book Group Meets Sat., May 22, 5:30 pm

Poetry lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar. 
Percy Bysshe ShelleyA Defence of Poetry (1840)

Come explore creative and inspiring spiritual expression about topics ranging from flowers to death and rebirth to the divine!  We'll "lift the veil" to address many issues relevant to us as Unitarian Universalists in our search for our inner truths, beauty, and our relationship to the world by reading our personal selections (see assignment below!) as a group .  In addition to fruitful discussion, we'll also be doing some creative expressions of our own, inspired by selected poems.

We'll meet at 5:30 pm on Saturday, May 22nd in the Downstairs RE Rooms.  Bring a poem that you've read or written that inspires you and your potluck contribution of an appetizer, main dish, side dish, drink, or dessert.  
This is part of an ongoing series of spiritual book explorations.  If you can’t make this date or have questions, please let discussion leader, Whitney Novak know of your interest in the program and any titles you’d like to throw in for consideration.  Responsibility for planning discussion questions and activities will be shared amongst participants. Let Whitney know if you would like to be a co-planner.  Contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education, Becky Brooks to register or visit our registration page online here

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