Saturday, August 21, 2010

RE Begins Sept. 19; Explorers Profile

An exciting new year of Religious Education for Children and Youth will begin soon. Over the next several weeks, our RE-Connect blog will be profiling each of the groups and classes for children and youth.

Explorers — Our Explorers class for 1st through 3rd graders meets in the first floor classrooms. Volunteer teachers, Blake Porter, Kristen Humphrey and Stephannie Weikert lead lessons from the curriculum, Picture Book Unitarian Universalism. This new curriculum uses contemporary picture books as a focus for teaching about Unitarian Universalist principles and ideals. Crafts, artwork and stories help our kids learn about their religious heritage while discovering their own values.

Other classes for children and youth include:
Nursery (infants and toddlers)
Sprouts (2-4 year olds)
Maiasaurs (PreKindergarten-Kindergarten)
Questers (4th-6th grades)
Youth Group (7th grade and up)

We look forward to your children and youth joining us this Fall!

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