Friday, September 3, 2010

RE Begins Sept. 19; Maiasaurs Profile

An exciting new year of Religious Education for Children and Youth will begin soon. Over the next several weeks, our RE-Connect blog will be profiling each of the groups and classes for children and youth.

Maiasaurs — Our Maiasaurs class for PreKindergarten and Kindergarteners meets each week in the upstairs classrooms, next door to the Youth Group. Teachers, Rebecca Wald, Sue Parr and Heather Lemkelde are assisted by Janice Zimmerman and Rachel Dodge. Their curriculum, Friendship Finders focuses on the basic ideas and values that help make a group into a community. Maiasaurs do crafts, make art, act, listen and play in order to learn how we share, make friends, care about each other and learn new ideas.

Other classes for children and youth include:

Nursery (infants and toddlers)
Sprouts (2-4 year olds)
Explorers (1st-3rd grades)
Questers (4th-6th grades)
Youth Group (7th grade and up)

We look forward to your children and youth joining us this Fall!

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