The first three Breakfast Chat Feedback meetings, as well as a special feedback meeting with the youth group, have led to excellent discussions. The word cloud above is a collection of some of the things we've talked about.
Hosted by the DRE Advisory Council, these gatherings help us get feedback from families about how the Religious Education program is going and how we might improve. Any adult who brings children or youth to church, be they parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles or just family friends, are very welcome to come share your ideas, feedback and suggestions!
We will gather from 9:30 to 10:45 am each of the two remaining feedback Sundays for a delicious meal and wonderful conversation. If you have children in the Explorers or Sprouts classses, or if you have children in another group but weren't able to make any of the previous meetings, I hope you'll join us at one of the remaining meetings:
Feb. 8 — Explorers families (9:30 am - 10:45 am)
Feb. 22 — Sprouts families (9:30 am - 10:45 am)
Child care and breakfast are both provided. Please RSVP to Becky so we are sure to have enough food and supplies.
Don't miss your opportunity to help steer the direction of Religious Education programming in the future! See you there!
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