Within Unitarian Universalism, there is a whole world of diverse theologies and philosophies behind the Big Questions.
While this very fact draws us to this faith, it also makes communicating our religious concepts to our children challenging. Though we do our very best to provide a comprehensive religious education to the children and youth in our congregation, the ultimate blessing and burden of religious education rests with parents and other family members. Faith development happens mostly in the home.
"Parents as Resident Theologians," led by Director of Religious Education, Becky Brooks, is a curriculum written by-and-for Unitarian Universalists. The course is designed to help parents and other adults with children in your lives explore your own theologies and philosophies so that your conversations and experiences with your children can be more comfortably grounded. Using the tools of the curriculum and the wisdom of our unique group of people, we will explore how to be better religious educators for our children and youth.
Join our group to explore Unitarian Universalism with other parents and adults as we find our way together. Our class will meet upstairs in the Peace Chapel from 9:00 am to 10:30 am, Sunday mornings on the following dates: March 15, 22, 29* and April 12 and 19 (no class on 4/5). Childcare will be provided. Class size: minimum of 6, maximum of 12.
* The Mar. 29 class will conflict with the Mystery Buddies Breakfast. The class group will decide on an alternate meeting time once we know who will be involved.
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