A blog for the Religious Education Community of the First Unitarian Church of Baltimore
Monday, March 30, 2009
New Email Subscription option!
New to Unitarian Universalism?

• Voices of A Liberal Faith DVD (order free online here: http://www.uua.org/visitors/dvd/index.shtml or watch online here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wezp1W2HKlU)
• Unitarian Universalist Association (http://www.uua.org) There are a lot of great resources available here, including several sermons on "UU perspectives" of various issues here: http://www.uua.org/visitors/uuperspectives/index.shtml and a brief history section here: http://www.uua.org/visitors/ourhistory/index.shtml, including a slideshow of historical UU leaders. There is also a brief section on the symbol of our faith, the chalice, here: http://www.uua.org/visitors/6901.shtml
• UU & Me (http://clf.uua.org/uume/0309/index.html) UU & Me is a kids magazine included in issues of the UU World. Sometimes I find information and ideas in publications for kids that some of the publications for adults never get around to articulating. This can be a neat resource.
• Quest (http://clf.uua.org/quest/about.html) The Church of the Larger Fellowship is an online community for UUs who may not have a local UU church to go to. Their magazine, "Quest" is a great repository of sermons, articles and other short pieces written for UUs. You can read or listen to article at their website.
• Podcasts -- there is a great wealth of UU podcasts out there now. If you have iTunes, you can simply search of "Unitarian Universalist" and find a treasure trove. I recommend starting with the UUA's official podcast, which you can find here:http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=301421908
I hope you find these helpful!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Mystery Buddy Breakfast this Sunday!

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Springfest is coming, April 5

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Family HEART Camp — Summer opportunity
Every once in a while I hear of opportunities offered by other organizations that First Unitarian families might want to take advantage of. This seven-day summer camp for families, "Family HEART Camp," focusing on Nonviolent Communication for families, will be offered July 10-18 in Northern Virginia.
The description from their website:
Would you enjoy having more Harmony, Ease, Authenticity, Respect, and Trust (HEART) in your family? Do you want to create close connections with your children, to inspire cooperation instead of power struggle, to take good care of yourself, to support your children in thriving, to have fun and peace of mind, to enjoy parenting?
Then consider Family HEART Camp – an unforgettable one-week immersion in Nonviolent Communication for families. Family HEART Camp will be held on July 10-18, 2009 in Northern Virginia, 35 miles south of Washington, DC.
Our dream is that Family HEART Camp will be a place where children learn to cherish, honor and respect their parents, and parents learn to cherish, honor and respect their children. We hope to create a supportive community of like-minded people who will feel like a new family by the end of the week. We envision an environment where parents and children thrive, supported by experienced staff and by their new friends. We want to make it possible for parents and children to learn new skills together to support harmony, cooperation and peace in their families, with lots of play and fun for everyone.
Family HEART Camp is based on Nonviolent Communication, which offers a powerful set of tools and inspiring perspectives that support people in living their values, and in speaking and acting in ways that say "You matter!" to everyone involved.
To learn more, please visit http://www.FamilyHEARTCamp.org/
Beginnings Class will be offered Sat., March 28
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Save the Date for our Passover Seder, Apr. 9!

Each spring, the eight-day Passover holiday is observed with a traditional meal and ritual called a Seder, featuring a retelling of the story of the Jewish peoples’ Exodus from Egypt. The Seder is an multigenerational event where participants eat symbolic foods and progress through the Exodus story during the meal. You are invited to participate in First Unitarian’s second annual Passover Seder on April 9, 5-7:30 pm.
You must register for this event beforehand.
The deadline for registration is April 1.
Unlike a potluck, the Passover Seder is a participatory, communal religious occasion and all who register will be given a food or beverage assignment on April 3.
A $5 donation per family is requested to cover the cost of beverages (a ritual part of this meal)
To register, contact Mickie Grover
Are you interested in helping to plan and host this event? Contact Becky Brooks.
Community News

Spring is such an exciting time. Is there something new or exciting in your life? Would you like to include it in our "Community News" column (on the right sidebar)? Get into the school you were hoping for? Welcome a new member of your family? New responsibilities? Exciting changes afoot?