The following events are open to anyone:
Sunday, April 19
• 11:00 am, Sunday Worship Service*
"A Thinking Mystic: Nurturing the Spirit," led by Rev. Olson, followed by our usual coffee hour in the Enoch Pratt Parish Hall
• 1:00 pm, Annual Meeting*
Members will vote on the budget and nominations for the Board, etc. Rev. Olson will attend and observe.
• 3:30-4:30 pm (following the Annual Meeting) Meeting with Social Action Clearinghouse
Monday, April 20
• 10:00 am, Drop-in Time in the Minister's office
Come meet with Rev. Olson in a smaller group and ask him any questions you may have
• 12-2:00 pm, Lunch with Buildings and Ground Committee and the heads of the Neighborhood Caring Circles
Bring your own bag lunch and have lunch with Rev. Olson and these committees
Wednesday, April 22
• 3:30-4:30 pm, Meeting with Outreach, Communications and Denominational Affairs Committees
Friday, April 24
• 6:30-9:30 pm, All Church Potluck and Q&A with Rev. Olson*
Bring a potluck dish to share. Come ask Rev. Olson any questions you have about his background and his ideas for First Unitarian's future.
Saturday, April 25
• 9:00 am, A walk in Patterson Park
Come walk in the park and chat informally with Rev. Olson and other church members. Meet at the pagoda. (Cancelled if bad weather.)
• 5-7:00 pm, Cocktails and Tapas with Young Adult Group, location TBD
Sunday, April 26
• 11:00 am, Sunday Worship Service*
"Liberalism and Liberation: Healing the World," led by Rev. Olson
• 12:30 pm, Congregational Meeting*
Immediately following the service, the congregation will discuss and members will vote on whether to call Rev. Olson as our next settled minister. A reception in Pratt Hall will follow.
* Childcare will be provided
(Contact search@firstunitarian.net to RSVP)
In addition to the above events, which are open to everyone, I hope all members of the RE community will join us for the Potluck BBQ on Saturday, Apr. 25, 12-3:00 pm. RSVP to me here. The schedule for meetings which are not open to all is available from the church office (here) and have been mailed to members' homes.
Will you be around for some of the above events but not here for the Congregational meeting on April 26? You can still vote!! A system for absentee voting has been created. If you have been an active member for at least three months, all you need to do is...
1. attend one meeting during Candidating Week and meet Rev. Olson,
2. request a ballot from the hosting Search Committee member at that meeting,
3. complete your ballot and obtain the Search Committee member's validating signature,
4. submit your ballot (either in person or via mail)
Sorry, ballots received after Saturday, 4/25 will not be counted.
I hope you will join us in these opening chapters of a new era at First Unitarian!
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