A hearty congratulations to Rev. David Carl Olson, enthusiastically called by The First Unitarian Church of Baltimore (Universalist & Unitarian) to serve our congregation beginning in the Fall.
We enjoyed getting to know Rev. Olson throughout Candidating Week and look forward to his presence here for many years as our children grow. In addition to a packed week's worth of events, our RE Community potluck on Saturday enabled over 70 of us to hear his thoughts on ministry here in Baltimore. Special thanks to host, Idalee DiGregorio and family, as well as the planning team: Karla Peterson, Gina Foringer and Caitlin Cross-Barnet.
In two consecutive Sundays of worship, Rev. Olson energized and inspired, welcoming the participation of families and bringing new ideas along in his suitcase.
We have the many long months of hard work and dedication by the Search Committee to thank for finding Rev. Olson and enabling us to spend so much time over the last week getting to know each other. If you haven't already, I hope you will take a moment to speak to the members of this incredible team to let them know how grateful we all are for the fine work they've done on behalf of the congregation.
I know we all look forward to saying soon, "Welcome Rev!"
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